There are many different types of people who use gas credit cards and the lending institutions are fully aware of this. That is why they use many different advertising techniques to get new customers for their gasoline cards. You might wonder why they are interested in getting customers for their cards since most cards bare the tag of one of the major credit card companies. Most credit card companies have a large variety of credit and use many different lending institutions to sponsor and support their cards.
Visa, MasterCard and Discover are the major credit card companies that most consumers rely on for their usage. The lending institutions may vary from your local bank to a major banking concern. The users of gas credit cards often prefer using their own local bank for their credit card account. This does not present a problem because most of these cards are backed financially by the oil companies that supply gas to the local service stations.
Since the oil companies are the sponsors behind your card that is why they use a lot of marketing to attract new users for their cards. It is very important to keep people using the same gasoline so that the oil refinery can keep close tabs on the gasoline sales from the creditor's point of view. In most cases the lending institutions issue a credit card that is only good at a particular oil company. This does not mean that you can only go to your local neighborhood service station but it does mean that you must stick to a certain brand of gasoline to use the gas credit card.