The real interesting thing about people who are in business is that they always feel that they need a credit card to prove that their business has real value. The reasoning behind that is it is very hard in this day and age to get credit for needed products to maintain your business unless you have a good line of credit. The business card provides your business the credit score you need in order to get a line of credit from all your providers. There are many cases where in small business the owners use their credit to enable them to buy all the supplies that they need in order to operate.
That is one of the main reasons companies like American Express became so popular in the early sixties since they cater to small business owners. You need to be made aware that American Express is not the only company that caters to business owners. Now there are a variety of card companies that offer a credit card just for the owner.
You are now capable of getting credit with all the major companies like Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discovery as a small business owner. You are also able to get credit from your suppliers by just using a line of credit they offer you directly but with the logo from the major credit card companies. The reason is that many suppliers now use these companies to extend credit and this in turn can help your business grow further.